
Oratie. Geweld tegen vrouwen en de rechten van de mens


  • Ineke Boerefijn


Women’s organizations have been instrumental in putting violence against women, both by private and public actors, on the agenda of human rights institutions. The human rights machinery of the United Nations can play an important part in preventing and combating violence against women. Legally binding human rights instruments impose obligations on States and international organs have been established to monitor their implementation. The effective enjoyment by women of their human rights requires, however, that human rights institutions apply a gender perspective in their work. States can be held accountable before international institutions for acts of violence combating violence against women. In assessing whether states have fulfilled their obligations the adoption of general measures as well as state conduct committed by their agents, and, under certain conditions, also for acts committed by private actors. States have an immediate obligation to abolish or amend discriminatory legislation and policy, entailing the duty to apply a gender perspective in policies aimed at




