Boekbesprekingen, boekaankondigingen
Pamela Barmash (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Law;
Anthony Milner, A Theology of Genocide? Reading Deuteronomy 20;
I. Finkelstein, Essays on Biblical Historiography: From Jeroboam II to John Hyrcanus;
Matthew J. Lynch, First Isaiah and the Disappearance of the Gods;
Bob Becking, Identity in Persian Egypt: The Fate of the Yehudite Community of Elephantine;
Wolter Rose, Hij is goed, Hij is de Koning: De profeet Zacharia, de Hebreeuwse taal, het Evangelie en Gods glorie.
Kerk- en theologiegeschiedenis:
Katharine Mahon, Teach Us to Pray. The Lord’s Prayer, Catechesis, and Ritual Reform in the Sixteenth Century;
Paul Helm, Reforming Free Will: A Conversation on the History of Reformed Views on Compatibilism (1500-1800);
Peter Marshall, Reformation England, 1480-1642;
Willem J. op ‘t Hof, The Ice Broken: Puritan Influences on the Netherlands in the Seventeenth Century, dl. II;
Nicholas A. Cumming, Francis Turretin (1623-87) and the Reformed Tradition;
Jon Balserak (red.), A Companion to the Reformation in Geneva;
Simon Lewis, Anti-Methodism and Theological Controversy in Eighteenth-Century England: The Struggle for True Religion;
Arjan Boersma, Tegendraads gereformeerd: Biografie prof.dr. Cornelis Graafland.
Henk G. Geertsema, Bijbel & evolutie. Blijvend conflict of verrassende ruimte;
S. Joshua Swamidass, The Genealogical Adam and Eve. The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry.
Paul Scherz, Science and Christian Ethics.
Archibald Alexander, Gedachten over bevinding;
Benedetto van Mantua, De weldaad van Christus;
Robert Rollock, Commentary on Ephesians.