Mario Liverani (red. Niels Peter Lemche/Emanuel Pfoh) - Historiography, Ideology and Politics in the Ancient Near East and Israel;
John S. Kloppenborg - Christ’s Associations: Connecting and Belonging in the Ancient City;
Andreas J. Köstenberger - Handbook on Hebrews through Revelation.
Kerk- en theologiegeschiedenis:
Marijn de Kroon/Willem van ’t Spijker - Martin Bucer (1491-1551);
Linda Stuckrath Gottschalk - Pleading for Diversity: The Church Caspar Coolhaes Wanted;
Thomas H. McCall/Keith D. Stanglin - After Arminius: A Historical Introduction to Arminian Theology;
Erik A. de Boer, met medewerking van Jac. de Groot - De doorstart van de gereformeerde kerk;
Thomas Klöckner - Heinrich Alting (1583–1644): Lebensbild und Bedeutung für die reformierte Historiografie und Dogmengeschichtsschreibung des 17. Jahrhunderts;
Madeleine Pennington - Quakers, Christ, and the Enlightenment;
J.I. Packer - The Heritage of Anglican Theology;
Eric de Boer/Geranne Tamminga/Dolf te Velde (red.), Gereformeerde theologie stroomopwaarts.
Andrew B. Torrance/Thomas H. McCall (red.) - Knowing Creation: Perspectives from Theology, Philosophy, and Science, dl. 1;
Andrew B. Torrance/Thomas H. McCall (red.) - Christ and the Created Order: Perspectives from Theology, Philosophy, and Science, dl. 2.
Heino Falcke (met Jörg Römer) - Licht in de duisternis: Zwarte gaten, het universum en wij.