
Het Oude Testament als document van openbaring


  • H.G.L. Peels


Verschenen in gedrukte jaargang 46 (2003), nr. 4, p. 356-378.  

In current biblical sciences, as opposed to the broad consensus of half a century ago, we envisage a growing reluctance and even a denial of speaking about the Old Testament as the result of divine revelation. In recent times, religious-historical and archeological investigations seem to contradict the supposed revelational character of the Old Testament. This article is focussing on the question whether modern research really necessitates us to drop the confession of Scripture as the Word of God. It is the author’s conviction that there are cogent reasons to stay in line with this jewish-christian tradition of old, paying attention both to the claims of the Old Testament authors themselves, and to the implications of the normative notion of ‘canon’. Finally, we come across some strong internal indications that enhance the probability of the revelational character of the Old Testament.




