
Kan God lijden? Het evangelie van Gods bewogenheid


  • J. Hoek


Verschenen in gedrukte jaargang 49 (2006), nr. 1, p. 6-28.  

During the ages the penetrating question ‘does God suffer?’ has raised intense debates in theology. Within the last decades, we witness an enormous shift from axiomatic impassibility to axiomatic passibility. The concept of an immutable and impassible God has given way to ideas of a sensitive, emotional and passionate God. The author of this article submits that several motives behind the traditional notion of impassibilitas Dei remain of great relevance and may not be disregarded in actual Reformed theology. Nevertheless the notion of passibilitas Dei is acceptable, be it in a qualified way. We can argue that God is passionate, but not ‘suffering’ in the ordinary sense of this word. The gospel of the passibility of God is described as a testimony of the heartbeat of the triune God, showing His love and care in creation, redemption and renewal.




