Herschreven heilsgeschiedenis. Geschiedschrijving en toekomstverwachting in Ezechiël 20
Verschenen in gedrukte jaargang 50 (2007), nr. 3, p. 267-284.
Ezekiel’s preaching in chapter 20 of his book presents an intriguing example of prophetic history writing. With the catastrophic outcome of Israel’s history at the time of exile in mind Ezekiel presents a thorough theological reconstruction of it. This study describes how Ezekiel used elements of Israel’s central credo and radically reinterpreted them to fit his own judgement preaching. The prophetic freedom in which Ezekiel operates seems to be characteristic for biblical history writing in general and should be kept in mind while reading other biblical accounts of history like the Former Prophets. The second part of this article focuses on Ezekiel’s perspective on Israel’s future as presented in the same chapter demonstrating the same prophetic freedom in rhetorically transforming central elements of Israel’s traditions.