De actuele betekenis van oorsprongszonde
Verschenen in gedrukte jaargang 50 (2007), nr. 1, p. 6-24.
The traditional doctrine of hereditary sin, or better formulated as ‘original sin’, is especially unpopular in these (post-) modern days. Is this concept indeed an obstacle? Or, does it provide us with useful and even indispensable insights on proclaiming the gospel? This article deals with several serious objections that have been raised against the theologoumenon of original sin. A response to these critical observations reveals the actual relevance of this doctrine. It helps us to obtain a clear view of the essence of sin, especially its universal, radical, total and absurd character. Such a belief fills believers with a deep sense of solidarity with a broken world, it reminds them of the wonder of free grace and the privilege of Christian liberty, it stresses their need of integrative repentance and renewal of life, and it provides them lasting energy and hope in the midst of the ongoing battle against sin, in their anticipation of the day of consummation.