Ronald Hendel/Jan Joosten - How Old Is the Hebrew Bible?;
T. Desmond Alexander – Exodus;
Mareike Verena Blischke - Der Geist Gottes im Alten Testament [FAT II 112];
Marten Stol - Women in the Ancient Near East;
Ferdinand van den Bosch - De voorstelling van de godin Atiratu in de Ugaritische alfabetische teksten;
Mario Liverani - Imagining Babylon;
Paul-Alain Beaulieu - A History of Babylon 2200 BC – AD 75;
Jonathan Stökl/Caroline Waerzeggers (red.) - Exile and Return: The Babylonian Context; B.E.J.H. Becking - Ezra-Nehemia;
Sarah Köhler - Jeremia – Fürbitter oder Kläger?;
Chad L. Eggleston - “See and Read All These Words”;
Jim West/Niels Peter Lemche (red.) - Jeremiah in History and Tradition;
Mark J. Keown - Discovering the New Testament: An Introduction to Its Background, Theology, and Themes;
Michael P. Middendorf - Romans 9-16;
Brant Pitre/Michael P. Barber/John A. Kincaid - Paul. A New Covenant Jew: Rethinking Pauline Theology’.
Kerk- en theologiegeschiedenis:
Joel R. Beeke/Greg Salazar (red.) - William Perkins: Architect of Puritanism;
Hyonam Kim - Salvation by Faith: Faith, Covenant and the Order of Salvation in Thomas Goodwin (1600-1680);
L.J. van Valen - In God verbonden.
Missiologie en oecumenica:
J.A.B. Jongeneel - Nederlandse zendingsgeschiedenis;
Elizabeth Mburu - African Hermeneutics.
M. Barrett (red.) - The Doctrine on Which the Church Stands or Falls;
David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation.
Hans Boersma - Seeing God;
Douglas J. Moo/Jonathan A. Moo - Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World (Biblical Theology for Life);
Peter J. Verhagen - Psychiatry and Religion: Controversies and Consensus: A Matter of Attitude.
Praktische theologie:
Tomás Halík - Niet zonder hoop: Religieuze crisis als kans.
J.J.H. Post - Gerechtigheid en recht.
Kit Barker - Imprecation as Divine Discourse;
Antonie Vos - John Duns Scotus: A Life.
Martien E. Brinkman- Grote woorden;
W.B. Kranendonk - Dienen, leiden, samenbinden. Leven en werk van ds. A. Vergunst.