Definiëring en samenhang
This article is a critical reflection of the articles by Wijnalda, Pleizier and Schaap-Jonker (in this
volume) entailing their definition of a Reformed practical theology having an empirical orientation. Clearly, a theological vision on Mental Retardation has consequences for the manner in which care is exercised The practical-theological study I began in 2006 under the supervision of prof. Dr. C.J. De Ruijter (Theologische Universiteit Kampen, Broederweg) focuses on meeting the ‘person’ having Mental Retardation in their social context, which includes the Christian congregation. Nowadays, a person with a Mental Retardation needs to receive more pastoral care from the congregation than before, due to the rise of small-scaled, scattered and differentiated assistance in society. This care for a person with a Mental Retardation by the congregation has to be focused on achieving a restricted, but fulfilled citizenship in church and society