Gereformeerde praktische theologie, een methodologische aanzet
This article explores the empirical dimensions of the theological enterprise from the point of view of research methodology. Empirical data and theological research stand in a complex relationship to each other which becomes clear when we reflect on the nature of empirical data.. We argue that data possessing a religious dimension cannot be reduced to social scientific phenomena. We treat Richard Osmer’s delineation of four tasks of research and two levels of reflection and their interrelationship. We offer reflections on the multidisciplinary nature of practical theology. We conclude that a practical theological research question drawn up from a Reformed point of view must display an interest in articulating theological knowledge and a purpose to serve the Church in providing theoretical insights into the nature of its practices rather than merely giving strategic advice. Basically, the role theology has in theological research does not appear at the very end of research but is to govern the methodological design of a research project.