‘Hoe leest gij?’ Een lectio christiana van het Oude Testament
Throughout entire church history, the question How to deal properly with the heritage of the Old Testament, has been a vexing problem. On the one hand, it has always been evident that the Old Testament as part of the Holy Scripture is of vital importance for the church, its life and message for the world. On the other hand, exegetes continue to have a never-ending struggle with respect to an adequate interpretation of the Old Testament. This article investigates several issues involved: the New Testament appropriation of the Old Testament and its application, the question whether the Talmud could in the vein of the New Testament serve as a fitting continuation of the Old Testament, and the redemptive-historical model as a fundamental category with regard to the relationship between the two Testaments. A proposal for a threefold reading of the Old Testament is given, together with a couple of examples of textual interpretation. It turns out that the Reformed tradition of a deep spiritual coherence between the Old and New Testament still must merit our