Het behoud van heel Israël (Rom. 11, 26a). Paulus’ verwachting en onze verantwoordelijkheid
The theological reflection on the relationship between Israel and the Christian church culminates in the meaning of the phrase “all Israel will be saved” (Rom.11:26a). What could the apostle Paul have meant by these mysterious words? In this exegetical article, the pericope Romans 11:25-32 is interpreted within the context of Paul’s apostolic mission. The apostle apparently expected that, after he had completed his mission to the gentile world (including Spain), the Jewish people as a whole would come to believe in Jesus as the Messiah of Israel. Due to several factors, this conversion-process appears to be still going on. From the perspective developed in this article, all Christians are actually involved in what the apostle Paul envisaged, that “all Israel will be saved”.