
“Die door de eeuwige geest...” Enkele opmerkingen over de aandacht voor het werk van de Geest en kruistheologie


  • C. van der Kooi


This article deals with the new theological interest for the Holy Spirit. This reorientation has not been brought about through new Scriptural analysis, but through the calling upon the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit as found in certain segments of the Christian faith community. Its dogmatics are challenged by certain practices of believing and causes a return back to Scripture. In the Gospel according to John and the Acts of the Apostles, a sharp differentiation is made between the sending of the Spirit and the sending of the Son, whereby the former is broader in scope than the latter. The Spirit is the power through which Father and Son give themselves to each other, turn towards the other, and serve each other. Where Christ arrives in the name of the Father, life becomes animated. In the Spirit, God gives people His life giving presence. The Spirit pours out life and relation with the source of life. Restitution of relations takes place. Through the appearance of Jesus we may know of a standard that can make us aware of the manifestations of God’s life giving presence in place and time.




