Perspectief op vruchtbare samenwerking. De methode, inhoud en waarde van de gereformeerde scholastiek
The past decades, a broad consensus emerged on the notion that scholasticism relates primarily to method. That consensus alone is not able to get the subjective views held by individual scholars on scholasticism in line, but it opens up prospects for a fruitful cooperation between the (relative) supporters and the opponents of a scholastic way of doing theology. Examples of such an interchance are the contributions in this issue of Theologia Reformata by W. van ‘t Spijker and W.J. van Asselt, on which the present article provides reflections. Furthermore, treated are the complex relationships between method, content and valuation of scholasticism; the issue of absolute and implicative necessity; and Turretinus’ view regarding freedom of the will as specimen of the remaining value of the scholastic way of doing theology, both in method as regarding the specific content as posited by using this method.