'Liever den grooten rijk begaafden denker van Genève’. De vooroorlogse receptie van Karl Barths theologie in hervormdgereformeerde en christelijke gereformeerde kring
This article explores the pre-War reception of Karl Barth’s theology within the denominations
that form the main readership of Theologia Reformata: the Reformed League in
the former Dutch Reformed Church as well as the Christian Reformed Church.
In these circles responses to Barth were quite late, sparse and mostly limited to critical
remarks. In the early thirties, however, some theologians were open to special elements
of Barth’s theology, e.g. his fight against subjectivism. Various approaches culminate in
1935, the year of Barth’s second visit to the Netherlands, when also critical guidance in
series of articles started. From 1936 onwards, Barth’s theology is unanimously rejected
in all church periodicals.