De Nederlandse Geloofsbelijdenis in context: de Confession de Foy en het vroege gereformeerd protestantisme in de Nederlanden
Guy de Brès wrote the Belgic Confession (1561) in consultation with fellow leaders of
the Reformed communities in the southern Low Countries. This article describes the
underground network of these communities as the context in which the BC came into
existence. Especially the pivotal role of the Dutch- and French-speaking churches in
Antwerp is highlighted. Here, the Reformed movement for some time benefitted from
a relatively tolerant climate. Still, the overall persecution was severe. It is shown that
due to the strong mobility of the persecuted ministers, there were close links between
the various Reformed communities in Antwerp, Tournai, Lille et cetera. and also
between them and the Dutch-speaking refugee churches in other countries (especially
the one in London). Finally, the unifying role of the first synods and of the Belgic
Confession is elucidated.