A.A. van Ruler en de vrijgemaakten. Hoe de wederzijdse kritiek de theologische verwantschap overschaduwde
During the lifetime of A.A. van Ruler (1908-1970), theologians from the Reformed
Churches in the Netherlands (liberated) wrote very critically about him. Klaas Schilder
regarded him to be a follower of Karl Barth. The critique concerned Van Ruler’s doctrines
on the apostolic task of the church, predestination, the messianic intermezzo, and
his views on sin and sanctification. Van Ruler in turn regarded quite critically Schilder’s
views on culture, yet showed in later years more appreciation for his doctrine of the
covenant of paradise. Relatively unknown is that they shared many points of similarity
regarding views of culture, and also concerning the church and confessions. In this
article, the correctness of the critique is tested, but also the kinship indicated.