Boekbesprekingen, boekaankondigingen
Christopher Barina Kaiser – Seeing the Lord’s Glory: Kyriocentric Visions and the
Dilemma of Early Christology;
C.M. Tuckett (ed.) – 2 Thessalonians and Pauline Eschatology: For Petr Pokorný on
his 80th Birthday.
Kerk- en theologiegeschiedenis:
Keith Edward Beebe – The McCulloch Examinations of the Cambuslang Revival (1742):
A Critical Edition;
Steve Bishop, John H. Kok – On Kuyper: A Collection of Readings on the Life, Work
& Legacy of Abraham Kuyper;
Françoise Chevalier (ed.) – Actes des synodes nationaux;
Didier Boisson (ed.) – Actes des synodes provinciaux;
Kelly M. Kapic, Mark Jones (ed.) – The Ashgate Research Companion to John Owen’s
James P. Eglinton – Trinity and Organism: Towards a New Reading of Herman Bavinck’s
Organic Motif;
R.P. van Rooijen – Frederik van Houten: Dienaar in de praktijk der godzaligheid.
G.R. Anderson – Sojourners and Strangers;
Anthony R. Cross – Recovering the Evangelical Sacrament: Baptisma Semper
S. Béla Visky – Play and Foundation.
Praktische theologie:
Willem van der Meiden – ‘Zoo heerlijk eenvoudig’: geschiedenis van de kinderbijbel
in Nederland;
J.D.Th. Wassenaar e.a. (red.) – Postille 2013-2014.
F.T. Oldenhuis (red.) – Religie op de werkvloer.