
De paradox van de eeuwige jeugd. Het streven naar erkenning en waardering als oorzaak van een ongelukkig bestaan.


  • M. Sarot


In ‘The Paradox of Eternal Youth: The Pursuit of Recognition and Appreciation as Keys to an Unhappy Existence’, the author claims that as a compensation for their lost belief in eternal life, contemporary people are not contented with living longer on earth than their predecessors, but pursue (the semblance of) eternal youth. This pursuit of eternal youth can be seen as one way of pursuing appreciation. However, while recognition is a basic need of people, the pursuit of unlimited appreciation is a recipe for unhappiness. Appreciation gained by means of the semblance of youth is one of the forms of undeserved respect which Maslow has shown to be unstable. Moreover, Paul reminds Christians that in the end, everything we have is grace, and it is in God as the Giver that we should boast. Christians should give recognition rather than pursue the receipt of it.




