
Verschuivingen in de Godsleer – oriëntatie en positiebepaling


  • J. Hoek


Theology, including Reformed theology, is always developing. This essay illustrates such developments by sketching three correlated shifts in theology proper as discussed by Gijsbert van den Brink en Kees van der Kooi in their recently published Christelijke dogmatiek, which has proven to be influential in this respect within Dutch orthodoxreformed circles. This article gives explicit attention to the usefulness and the possible dangers of these shifts. First, the embrace of the so-called trinitarian renaissance in systematic theology is embraced, yields considerable advantages in biblical- theological, pastoral and apologetical respects, but it ought not cast any shadow on the confession of the unity of God. Second, God’s condescension is decisive for the unfolding of divine attributes, but this should not detract from God’s transcendence. Third, the new awareness of the deep modesty in human speech about God, may not infringe on the reliability of God’s revelation to us.




