
De betekenis van de klassiek-gereformeerde theologie voor het huidige predikantschap


  • J. Muis


This essay discusses the relevance of reformed scholastic theology for contemporary ministry. It argues that scholastic theology is not a philosophical or rationalist system, but a fruitful analytical method to reflect on the Christian faith. This method becomes sterile when it is not embedded in a hermeneutical reflection on the relation between Scripture and the cultural context of believers. Reformed scholastic theology is both a paradigm shift and a phase in the catholic tradition of the Fathers of the early church and the medieval doctors; it can be preserved or transformed in new contexts. In addition, this method of systematic reflection can help ministers to evaluate and improve their teaching and preaching. Finally, this methodology’s three main concerns are: the Word of God in the Bible, God’s covenantal relationship with people, and God as the infinite Creator of all finite beings.




