Is de God van het Oude Testament gevaarlijk? Bijbels-theologische overwegingen naar aanleiding van Exodus 4,24-26
The story of YHWH’s attempt to kill Moses in the desert (Ex. 4,24-26) is one of the most mysterious passages in the Old Testament. Although the density of the text gives rise to many exegetical questions, this article focuses on the biblical-theological question of whether the God of the Old Testament is truly dangerous. Ancient Jewish interpretations have attempted to escape this conclusion by ascribing the attempted manslaughter to a demonic opponent of YHWH. This article argues that this almost dualistic interpretation is not a satisfactory approach to the text’s talk of an offensive God. Literary and theological connections with Ex. 12 suggest that the story functions as an anticipation of Pesach. Together these stories reveal that the God of the Old Testament is dangerous, but that he is also good when he saves a people doomed to die in Egypt.