
Preken als ambacht


  • F.G. Immink


As a profession preaching requires a certain craftsmanship on the part of the minister, both in the preparation and the delivery of the sermon. Exegetical, theological, pastoral and communicative skills are fundamental for the successful preparation and delivery of a sermon. The preaching of the sermon itself is a multifaceted religious practice. As a speech act, the sermon has a thoughtful structure, appeals to the listeners, and fosters the faith of the community. In protestant preaching, the Bible plays a crucial role in the oral delivery. 
Consequently the sermon is perceived by the community as the Word of God. This perception is composed of many interrelated factors, such as the actual presentation and interpretation of the biblical text, the faith conditions of the listeners, the confessional attitude of the local community of faith, and the life conditions of the listeners. In the performance of preaching these various dimensions are integrated.




