
Is preken over de opstanding en andere wonderverhalen nu moeilijker dan vroeger?


  • H. de Leede


Preaching about Jesus’ resurrection and miracle stories as signs of His resurrection is based on the testimony of the apostles and prophets. The resurrection of Jesus Christ implies that our daily reality is contingent and on its way to the eschaton, and that we as human beings have a final destination, a telos. Contemporary hearers of sermons, however, live in a world they believe is closed to the divine, they have a physical way of understanding reality, and feel a strong resistance to believe in God on the authority of texts from the past.
In order to enable the listeners to relate to the message of the resurrection in their postmodern context, this article argues that a solution to this problem lies within the hermeneutical competence of the preacher who must promote and strengthen the symbolic consciousness of the hearers.




