
‘Ik zend u de profeet Elia’. De toekomst van Israël volgens de vroegchristelijke kerk


  • M.J. Paul


Many early church theologians believed that the Christian church had replaced God’s chosen people Israel to become recipients of Old Testament promises. At the same time many writers expected a future conversion of Israel. This article reviews the latter position during the first five centuries of the church. The analysis reveals that the expectation of a future conversion of Israel rests on the promises of several Old Testament prophets and the words of Paul in Romans 11, not on the view that the covenant with Abraham extends to his natural descendants. The role of Elijah according Malachi is also important. 
Several theologians expected a combination of conversion and return of Jews to the land of Israel, but the majority did not. Their emphasis is on the conversion to Christ at the end of the times and on the participation of the converted Jews in the church. The contemporary replacement of Israel by the church is not expected to be lasting because in the future God will give salvation to his formerly chosen people.




