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Author Guidelines

Publishing Profile

The Groningen Journal of International Law is not a traditional journal, which means that the articles we accept are not traditional either. We invite writers to focus on what the law could be or should be, and to apply their creativity in presenting solutions, models and theories that in their view would strengthen the role and effectiveness of international law, however it may come to be defined. To this end, the Journal requires its authors to submit articles written in an exploratory and non-descriptive style.

For more information on the Journal and its mission, please visit our About page.

Submission Guidelines

For more information consult our author guidelines or send an email to

Author Guidelines
Terms and Conditions

The Groningen Journal of International Law is a peer-reviewed journal. All submissions are read by the Publishing Director. Only those submissions that most likely the fulfil the journal’s submission requirements will be sent to the peer reviewers. Submissions that do not fulfil the submission requirements will be rejected without any peer review. For example, if a submission only includes 2,000 words, whereas the minimum requirement of words is 7,000 words, the submission will not enter the peer review process and shall be rejected. Each submission that is sent for formal review will undergo a double-blinded peer review. Reviewers will anonymously fill in a peer review form, make suggestions and comments in the submitted manuscript, and suggest ‘acceptance with minor revisions’, ‘acceptance with major revisions’ or ‘rejection’. The Editor-in-Chief and Publishing Director will make decisions accordingly within 4 months.

Blog Submission Guidelines

Click here for our guidelines on submitting blog posts.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.