
Skriftsprogsnormen i danske retskilder fra 1600-tallet


  • Inger Schoonderbeek


This article is based on a PhD thesis which main aim was to investigate the standardisation of written Danish with focus on dialectal persistence in 17th century judicial protocol books from, respectively, the supreme court of Copenhagen, the hundredal courts of Skast (in the south-west of Jutland) and the hundredal courts of Sokkelund. The orthography in 17th century manuscript sources is known to be very diverse, because there was no authority on orthographic standard at that time. Therefore, it is likely that the writers at the hundredal courts (though professionals) might be influenced by their mother tongue. A phonemic-orthographic frame of reference based on modern Danish (with details on the discrepancy between written and spoken Danish) is used to describe the 17th century texts. The standardisation processes are increasing only slightly during the period; though, the resulting standard is not in any way comparable with the orthographic standard in, for example, Danske Lov (1683), that had, for its time, a very modern appearance. Most orthographic features are commonly used in texts at the beginning as well as at the end of the century. Compared to other 17th century texts, both manuscript sources and printed sources, writing in the judicial protocols is presumably characteristic for that in hand-written judicial sources.




