
Notandum est. Een verkenning van de Liber ordinarius van de Utrechtse Oudmunster of S.Salvator


  • Louis van Tongeren


The oldest churches in Utrecht, a city and bishop’s see in the middle of the Netherlands, date from the beginning of the eighth century. The first church to be built by Willibrord at this time was the St. Saviour church, or Old Minster, followed by the church devoted to St. Martin. In the course of time, the number of churches in the city grew considerably. Five of these had a special connection during the high and late Middle Ages. Their mutual connection manifested itself, among other things, in collective processions and also the regular visits of the canons to each others’ churches, in order to celebrate the liturgy together. Important information about the liturgy in these churches and about the collective celebrations in the city can be found, among others, in their ordinals. We are very lucky to be in a situation that the Liber ordinarii of three of the five churches have been preserved. Two of these have been published; the third one is not yet published; it concerns the ordinal of St. Saviour, dating from the fourteenth century. This article focuses on this ordinal and is restricted to the interesting instructions which are included in the ordinal. ...

Biografie auteur

Louis van Tongeren

Louis van Tongeren is docent Liturgische en rituele studies aan de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen van de Universiteit van Tilburg.




