
Waarom is de Liturgische Beweging nooit een zelfstandige “modaliteit” geworden in het Nederlandse protestantisme? Historische en systematisch-theologische beschouwingen


  • Mattijs Ploeger Oud-Katholiek Seminarie



Liturgical Movement, Dutch Protestantism, neo-patristic theology, liturgical theology


Like many other churches, Protestantism in the Netherlands had its own Liturgical Movement during the twentieth century. Unlike some churches, for example the Anglican Communion, the liturgical identity of parts of Dutch Protestantism never led to the formation of a “modaliteit” – a distinctive, organized party within the church. This article first argues that the Protestant Liturgical Movement initially possessed enough distinctive neo-patristic theological and spiritual potential to form such a party. Subsequently, the article explores why the formation of such a “modaliteit” did not take place. The reason is found in an implosion and restart of the Liturgical Movement in Dutch Protestantism, which took place during the 1950s and which changed the theological and spiritual profile of the Movement. By losing its neo-patristic theology, the Movement lost both the opportunity and the necessity of forming a distinctive party within the church.

Biografie auteur

Mattijs Ploeger, Oud-Katholiek Seminarie

Dr. Mattijs Ploeger (1970), priester van het bisdom Haarlem van de Oud-Katholieke Kerk van Nederland, is werkzaam als rector, docent systematische theologie en docent liturgie aan het Oud-Katholiek Seminarie dat is gevestigd aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Hij publiceert op het grensgebied tussen systematische theologie, liturgiewetenschap en oecumenische theologie.




