
Beelden als versiering van de wanden en als herinnering aan gebeurtenissen uit het verleden. Doel en functie van de kerkwand volgens middeleeuwse teksten


  • P.C.J. van Dael


There are very few early and high mediaeval churches in which the original wall decorations can still be seen. It is possible, however, to get a more complete idea of what once must have been visible: in historical writings and in hagiographies one can find descriptions of churches and their decorations that are no longer extant. Furthermore the texts can inform us about the purpose of wall decorations. In the Libri Carolini two functions are mentioned: 'ad memoriam rerum gestarum et venustatem parietum' (in memory of past events and for ornamentation). As far as the aesthetics of wall decorations are concerned: in the descriptions terms as light, colour, variety and liveliness abound. In addition to the decorative function one can speak of the didactic and pedagogic function of wall paintings. They are the 'hooks of the illiterates'. They remind the beholder of the history of salvation. The historiae do not concern only the past. They can be given personal relevance for the beholder by means of the typological, the moral and the anagogical interpretation.

Biografie auteur

P.C.J. van Dael

Dr. P.C.J. van Dael doceert geschiedenis en iconografie van de vroeg-christelijke en middeleeuwse kunst aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam (Faculteit der Letteren, vakgroep Kunstgeschiedenis en Archeologie).




