
Analyse en vertaling van Augustinus’ preek 190 en de Newberry-Yale-tekst


  • Joost van Neer


This article exists of two parts. In the first part Saint Augustine’s Christmas sermon 190 is carefully compared with the Newberry-Yale-text, a late anonymous adaptation of this sermon, edited by B. Peebles. A clear analysis of both texts will show what a compiler can do to a text of a leading preacher. Obviously he didn’t manage to equal the subtle structure of Saint Augustine’s sermon - if he ever wanted to. The large quantity and the sort of omissions and additions force the conclusion that the intentions of the anonymous compiler with sermon 190 were quite different from those of Saint Augustine. Also the
latinitas of the Newberry-Yale-text is not always well-phrased. The second part shows a complete translation of both texts. The Newberry-Yale-text was not translated in Dutch before. In order to compare and value both texts, the translations of the non-corresponding parts are printed separately in two columns.

Biografie auteur

Joost van Neer

Augustijns Instituut




