
De doop van Jezus. Een vergeten thema in de dooptheologie


  • Wiel Logister


The baptism of Jesus is of marginal importance in the history of the great western churches. Generally liturgical praxis is connected with Rom 6,1-11; Col 2,6-3,4 and the first letter of Peter. Perhaps present-day interest in the scenes between birth and death of Jesus - among others in connection with the so-called christology from below and the Third Quest - will change this. Moreover, it might lead to renewal and revitalization of the way the liturgy or the rituals of baptism are viewed, shaped and experienced. In this systematic-theological contribution an explanation is sought for the fact that classical theology pays little attention to the baptism of Jesus. After that the meaning of Jesus’ baptism in gospel-traditions is viewed, how his baptism unfolds and continues to impregnate his later words and actions and how Jesus interprets his approaching death as a consequence of his baptism in Luke 12,49-53 and Mathew 10,37-40. Subsequently we plead in favor of viewing the Trinitarian context of baptism in light of a biblical background rather than the context of speculative reasoning that was called for in the fourth century. We end with some remarks about the possibility to give a new impulse to the baptism of adults and children as well.

Biografie auteur

Wiel Logister

Prof.dr Wiel Logister is als hoogleraar Fundamentaaltheologie verbonden aan de Theologische Faculteit Tilburg.




