
Liturgia semper reformanda quia ecclesia reformata. Het gebruik van tradities in recente protestantse liturgiehervormingen


  • Marcel Barnard


Protestant theologians before the Second World War discussed the significance of the Reformation for the liturgy. Oepke Noordmans claimed that reformed liturgy has to be seen as fruit of the Spirit. Gerardus van der Leeuw argued that Christ orders liturgical renewal; renewal of the liturgy has to focus on sacramental memoria and the tradition of the Una Sancta. The discussion concerning the significance of the Reformation was reopened in recent times. In the national and international debate the opinion seems to prevail, that liturgia semper reformanda quia ecclesia reformata. The decisive point of arguing seems to be the extent to which the Reformation is seen as a break with tradition. It is proved that the editors of Dienstboek - een proeve. Schrift, Maaltijd, Gebed -which is the new service book of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands - see the Reformation in continuity with the tradition of the Una Sancta, although they are conscious of their rooting in the tradition of the Reformation. Their relation to the liturgical past is sometimes made clear, sometimes concealed.




