About the Journal

The CADAAD Journal is the official journal of the Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD) network. It focuses on discourse, communication and society, aiming to provide a space for studies that cross boundaries between academic disciplines. Starting from the study of social and political practices as they are ultimately performed discursively through ‘texts’, it aims to harness the full range of analytical tools available to investigate the semiotic dimensions of our social and political worlds in order to achieve a deep understanding of the role that language and other semiotic modes play in shaping social structures and identities. As such, the journal is open to new perspectives on discourse and society, covering theoretical, methodological and applied approaches that address the dynamic relationship between communication and social practices.

The CADAAD journal is fully open access which means that all its content is freely available without charge to authors, readers or their institutions. We apply double-blind reviewing standards, made possible by our Editorial Board members and a wide range of experts who cover the transdisciplinary character of the journal. 


Historical background

The CADAAD journal was initiated in 2006 during the CADAAD conference at the University of East Anglia and its first issue was published in 2007, under the editorship of Christopher Hart. Until the end of 2024, when it migrated to University of Groningen Press, it was hosted on Lancaster University's servers. 

Past editors:

  • 2007-2015: Christopher Hart (Lancaster University | Founding Editor)
  • 2015-2019: Charlotte Taylor (University of Sussex)
  • 2018-2024: Bertie Kaal (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
  • 2020-2024: Lise-Lotte Holmgreen (Aalborg University)