
Rampen in Nederland


  • Ellemers,J. E.


Netherlands, Natural disasters, Social history, Political history, Liability, Social responsibility


A comparison is made between the flood disaster that struck the Netherlands in 1953 (1,835 dead) and three more recent disasters: in Amsterdam, where an airplane crashed into an apartment building (Oct 1992); in Enschede, where a fireworks explosion destroyed a neighborhood (May 2000); and in the village of Volendam where, on New Year's Day 2001, a huge cafe fire took place. Since all four were community disasters, they can be compared from a sociological point of view. Still, the flood disaster of 1953 differs not only in scale from the other disasters, but also in other respects, especially with regard to the aftermath. First, ideas about suffering and victimhood have changed since WWII. Second, attention to disasters has become much more professionalized, especially in connection with questions of liability and responsibility. However, investigations have largely served to depoliticize these issues. Finally, a note of caution is added about the possibility of learning from past disasters in order to prevent future ones. 46 References. Adapted from the source document.

Biografie auteur

Ellemers,J. E.




