


  • Wieringa,C. Fr.


Factory, Propaganda, Propaganda for security measures in factory, Research


A study of propaganda research as applied to propaganda for security measures in factories. It is not always easy to distinguish between propaganda and education; W. Winsemius is quoted as saying that the former word is applied to ideas with which we do not agree, the latter to ideas with which we agree. Hence the importance of studying motivation. Propaganda for security measures in factories is generally accepted as valuable; it is chosen as field of analysis by the content analysis method according to B. Berelson. Analysts are required to answer questions on the content of wall posters; if their answers have a high rate of agreement, they offer clues to the nature and spirit of the security measures of the factory in question. Next, the values of the public to which the posters are addressed are determined and located on attitude scales. From this, conclusions can be drawn about the f distribution of these values and their connection with the N's of 'safety-prone' and 'accident-prone' workers. Finally, research is done on the distribution of the factors courage and obedience among the workers to determine their reaction to the security measures recommended by the posters. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Wieringa,C. Fr.




