
Ongewenste publiciteit. N.a.v. het ISONEVO en de maatschappelijke ladder, gevolgd door: Naschrift van de Redactie



Survey, Publicity of sociological data, Public opinion on social stratification


An editorial on publicity of sociological data, prompted by an inquiry by the Dutch Institute for PO into social stratification and hierarchy carried out by the Dutch Foundation for Statistics. A number of newspapers commented on the enquiry, and the question arises whether publication of results was justified. The view is taken that the Institute should 'undertake responsible research, whose results would be starting points for wise social measures. The provision of thrilling newspaper material can hardly be brought under this head.' Moreover, a random sample of 500 Netherlanders was 'blown up' into a representation of the whole population; and the hierarchy of 57 professions, intended to provide data on social mobility, can produce inferiority complexes among people whose professions are not highly rated, if it is published and falls into unauthorized hands. A 'Postcript' to the editorial offers a practical solution to publications which offer sociological data that may prove offensive and should be made available only to qualified readers. The Dutch Sociological Assoc. is urged to consider this remedy. I. Langnas.

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