
Notities voor het moraliteitsonderzoek


  • Ponsioen,J. A.


Research, Socially accepted behavior and morality


A study of the possibilities of the sociological study of morality. Morality is defined as a philosophical concept which becomes available for sociological research only when it becomes translated into moral rules which are applied as standards to measure or judge HB. Such rules are usually norms, which may be of several kinds: social, moral or behavioral. 3 kinds of questions can be asked to determine, by interview, the strength of these norms: (1) Do you do this of your own free will or for the sake of other people? (2) Do you obey this rule even if you have no special interest in it? (3) Do you think you must obey the rule even if this causes you difficulties? Obedience to moral rules can be tested by 2 methods: (a) participation in the group under investigation, and (b) concentration on key situations, as illustrated by the book Rechtvaardig ontslag (Justified Dismissal, Amsterdam 1953), a study of dismissals of Amsterdam workers under the Labor Relations law of 1945. A final warning is sounded against the confusion of morality with socially accepted behavior, confined to a part of society, in connection with Catholic att's towards pre-marital sex. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Ponsioen,J. A.




