
Opheffing van Scandinaafs isolement


  • Heinemeyer,W. F.


Geiger, Theodore, Journal, Scandinavia, Acta Sociologica


An examination of the 1st issue of the Danish publication Acta Sociologica (1955), founded to inform other countries about what goes on in Scandinavian sociology. The issue is devoted to the work of the promoter of Scandinavian sociology, the late Theodor Geiger (died 1952) who emigrated from Germany and taught sociology at Aarhus U. R. Koenig (University of Cologne, Germany), in an evaluation of Geiger (see SA 2678), noted his intellectual honesty and moral earnestness. sociology was, for Geiger, an 'oppositional science; the task of sociologists was to criticize the powers that be so that 'the trees of power do not grow to the sky.' The issue also included 4 articles by Geiger: (1) 'Sociology and Democracy' (see SA 2673) in which he said he would resign his post if sociology became a tool of gov'al social engineering or a panegyrist of the existing order; (2) 'Social Sciences and Their Methods' (see SA 2699) in which he took a middle position between the advocates of introspection and exp'alism; (3) an article on the recruitment of students (see SA 2769); and (4) an analysis of vertical SM (see SA 2768). A complete Bibliography of Geiger's writings is included. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Heinemeyer,W. F.




