
Discussie over de cultuursociologie


  • Bouman,P. J.
  • Schöffer,I.


Culture, History, Pessimism, Rationalism, Sociology, Rational and irrational tools


A discussion between P. J. Bouman, author of the book Van Renaissance tot wereldoorlog (From Renaissance to World War, 1955) and I. Schöffer, who reviewed it (in SA 0206/ D2241). Bouman asks 4 questions: (1) Is it possible to write history without a meaning? (2) Can the difference between our age and previous ones be reduced to accusations of 'penitential sermons' or 'cultural pessimism?' (3) Has not the 'man of 1955' gone through very different experiences than the 'man of 1900?' (4) Is not the accusation of writing 'penitential sermons' a sign of 'cultural pessimism?' Schöffer answers: (1) He does not object to Bouman giving history a meaning but to the particular meaning he gives it. (2) He agrees that our age is 'singular'; but he does not accept Bouman's interpretations of other ages. (3) True; but we must not let ourselves be overshadowed by our circumstances. (4) His own outlook can be described as 'an idealism moved by the wish to govern our social needs more rationally.' In a 'final remark,' Bouman agrees with much of Schöffer's 'outlook' but quotes R. Niebuhr on reason having to use tools that are not rational if it is to control collective behavior. I. Langnas.

Biografieën auteurs

Bouman,P. J.





