
Vier wegen naar de politicologie


  • Thoenes,P.
  • Doorn,Jac. van
  • Hoeven,Aug. ter


Constitution, Politics, Power, Reviews, Democracy, Society, Political science


4 books on political science are reviewed: (1) Power and society by H. D. Lasswell and A. Kaplan (New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 1950). This is judged to be the product of a useful cooperation between the philosopher Kaplan and the political scientist Lasswell. The content of the book is outlined and it is evaluated in accordance with 3 criteria: (A) encyclopedic- 'undoubtedly of great value'; although few historical events are treated at length, there are ample bibliographical references; (B) instrumental-'it can be of great value'; it is used as a Coll. textbook in the US and its treatment of the subject is clear-but reviewers are not in agreement, possibly because the authors not only expound but also expect to make disciples; (C) theoretical-the authors have a political system of their own which is 'less brilliant than that of Polak and less profound than that of Freyer'; but the system is not thought to be properly justified and the value of the book is primarily practical. (2) Constitutional government and democracy by C. J. Friedrich (New York, NY: Harper, 1946). This is a textbook,' valuable for 3 reasons. (i) it deals with both theory and practice of politics; (ii) it confines itself deliberately to Western democracy but treats it within the framework of 'the crisis of democracy'; (iii) it offers a theory of democracy, 'constitutionalism,'designed to keep power within certain limits. It is an excellent introduction to the study of pol'al democracy; particularly useful is a 75 pp bibliography (3) Political democracy, a reader in theory and research Ed by H. Eulau, S. J. Eldersvel and M. Janowitz (Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1956). This is a very useful book for Dutch readers, who will find most of the included text unfamiliar. It is a 'history of political doctrines' and is also 'frankly moral-normative and prescriptive of current politics.' The approach of the authors is soc-psychological rather than sociological. (4) Kratos: studies over macht (Kratos: Studies in Power) by R. F. Beerling (Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Standaard, 1956). This is in complete contrast to Lasswell and Kaplan's description of the 'apparatus' of political power. The following 4 subjects: (a) on the relations between man and power, (b) a rehabilitation of G. W. F. Hegel, (c) a critique of J. P. Sartre, and (d) a study of the relations between law and power, are treated philosophically, with an existentialist point of view. I. Langnas.

Biografieën auteurs


Doorn,Jac. van

Hoeven,Aug. ter




