
Het begrip politiek


  • Burgers,J. H.


Scientific, Concept of politics


An examination of the meaning of the word 'politics,' with reference to sociological research. There are no serious problems about using the word in ordinary language; but scientific publications use it in different and conflicting ways. In older publications, the word politics is used only in connection with state and government. But a more modern definition of politics has developed which refers not only to the activities of the government but also to activities that remain outside the government or are even directed against it. A distinction is also made between politics as a whole and individual policies. Politics in the modern sense of the word can be defined as the process in which policies are made. However, the sociology of politics must be distinguished -from the sociology of power; the latter is a wider term, which is concerned with more than policies. The following sociological definition of politics is suggested: 'politics viewed as a social process is the totality of activities of individuals and groups aimed at achieving, against the will of other individuals and groups, certain objectives' which refer to the social order guaranteed by the state.' I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Burgers,J. H.




