
Het medisch ventiel voor maatschappelijk falen. Over functieverschuivingen in de gezondheidszorg


  • Doorn,J. A. A. van


Safety, Social, Value, Medical study


An examination of 3 studies of medicine (in PhD dissertations) as a safety valve for social failures. (1) F. B. M. G. van Ditzhuysen, in his Sociale wetgeving in verband met het karakter van een Twentse bevolkingsgroep (Social Legislation with Reference to the Character of a Population of the Region of Twente, Leiden, 1955), reports on his experiences as an MD in a Dutch Rural area and notes that the old social problems of sickness, poverty and'crime are being more and more overshadowed by new problems arising from the bur'tic means combatting them. (2) A. J. Van Meeurs, in Over de gevechtsuitputting (On Battle Fatigue, Utrecht, 1955), offers a Medical and psychological study of battle fatigue based on his experience as a Medical officer with the Dutch UN contingent in the Korean War. (3) G. J. Planting, in Onderzoek naar de betekenis van het schoolverzuim voor de schoolgeneeskunde (Study of the Meaning of Absence from School for Educational Medicine, Amsterdam, 1955), studies 2,000 absences of 700 children in 4 primary Schools in Waterland and examines their Medical and social components. The 3 case studies have this in common: in each case there exists a sociological component and absence through sickness cannot be explained by the Medical factors of sickness alone. After examining these works, the following hypothesis is suggested: 'the gradual growth of social expectations, which have lately become legal obligations, make the individuals who fail to live up to them seek sickness, neurosis and breakdown as a last 'way out' so that they can use Medical channels to escape from the pressure of social obligations.' I. Langnas

Biografie auteur

Doorn,J. A. A. van




