
Sociaal onderzoek als didactische opgave


  • Vall,M. van de


Learning aspects of social research, Didactic task, Social research for training of sociologists


An evaluation of social research in its didactic aspect. Since sociological theory and practical research are becoming more and more closely linked, it is becoming advisable to use social research more systematically in the training of sociologists. It offers the following advantages: (1) Social research is a long-range process; an exp'al study usually lasts over a year. (2) It offers possibilities for training students in a number of successive operations: study of the existing literature; selection of group and locality; sampling; preparatory interviews and test enquiries; interviews of random samples of S's; preparation of a code book; coding; analysis of the material and establishment of a rotating scheme; tabulation and percentaging; analysis of contingencies; sociological analysis; and preparation of the final report. (3) During the experiment, the material in hand undergoes constant change. The process is examined in detail with regard to the didactic possibilities of its various stages. The conclusion is reached that sociological abstractions and theories can be based only on material collected by practical research; it is this that diff'iates sociology from mere sociography (collection of sociological material). Hence another valuable training element for students. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Vall,M. van de




