
Venster op het buitenland. Indonesië


  • Heeren,H. J.


Far East, Asia, Demography, Indonesia, Population problems, United nations, UN, The Far East


A report on the UN Seminar on Population Problems in Asia and the Far East held at Bandung, Indonesia in Nov/Dec 1955. It is noted that, as at the Demographic Congress in Rome (1954), the level of papers varied considerably, 'demography' was rather loosely defined, and many contributors presented their gov's rather than their individual views. Scientific demography is little developed in most Asian countries; the chief exceptions are Japan and India ('sample surveys' since 1951). The most interesting papers dealt with the high birth rate of Indonesia (over 40 per 1,000, ie beyond Wertheim's critical rate, in Central and East Java); abortion in Japan (which helped to lower the birth rate from 34 per 1,000 in 1947 to 20 per 1,000 in 1954); and internal migrations (Philippines and Indonesia; international migration has come to a standstill, except illegally). US participants (Whelpton, Kirk, Hauser) helped to acquaint Asians with the latest scientific methods. A 'clearing house' for Asian population information will shortly be started under UNESCO auspices in Calcutta. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Heeren,H. J.




