
De sociologie tussen specialisatie en expansie. Opmerkingen n.a.v. H. Bianchi's Position and subject-matter of criminology


  • Doorn,J. A. A. van


Criminology, Social science, Borderlines


An examination of the borderlines between sociology and other social sciences, based on a critique of the PhD dissertation of H. Bianchi, Position and Subject-Matter of Criminology. Inquiry Concerning Theoretical Criminology, Free University, Amsterdam, 1956. Bianchi holds that a criminologist must know a number of other sciences, including philosophy, sociology, psychology, psychiatry, and law; he concludes that 'a sociol of crime is really possible but it should be understood as a section of criminology rather than as a section of sociology.' The question of the relations between sociol and sister sciences is tackled in the light of: (1) the need for a DofL; (2) the postulate of the interdisciplinary approach; and (3) the drive towards a philosophical deepening. It is concluded that distinctions between social sciences should not be taken too seriously and that sociologists should do their work without worrying unduly about borderline problems. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Doorn,J. A. A. van




