
Georges Gurvitch: een bewegelijke sociologie


  • Ponsioen,J.


Culture, Gurvitch, Georges, Marx, Karl, Typology


An estimate of the life and work of Georges Gurvitch. He attracted a good deal of Dutch attention by his personal appearance at the International Sociological Congress at Amsterdam in 1956. A curriculum vitae of Gurvitch is given in some detail. Gurvitch managed to combine Marxism with a devotion to freedom; his special interests were in young K. Marx and in the relationship between law and ethics. Henri Bergson and the phenomenologist Nikolai Hartmann exercised major influences on him. He was primarily a theoretician who studied problems 'in depth.' His typology of cultures is outlined and its value defended against such criticisms as that of A. Cuvillier, who complained that Gurvitch distinguished 2,430 diff kinds of law. The sociology of Gurvitch is judged to be eclectic and 'lively.' 2 new appreciations of Gurvitch by Carlos Gits, Recht, persoon en gemeenschap (Right, Person and Community, Louvain, 1949) and Abbe R. Tielemont, Sociologie et pluralisme dialectique: introduction a l'oevre de Georges Gurvitch (Sociology and Dialectic Pluralism: Introduction to the Work of Georges Gurvitch, Louvain, 1955), both of the University of Louvain, are noted. I. Langnas.

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