
Venster op het Centrum voor Socio-Religieus Onderzoek te Brussel


  • Wüst,I. Th. J.


Brussel, belgium, Center, Religion, Research, Socio-religious research center


An account of the Center for Socio-Religious Studies in Brussels. Religious sociology was founded in Belgium under the influence of its French leader, G. Le Bras. J. Leclerq of Louvain, one of his disciples, organized the first International Conference of Religious Sociology in 1946, which grouped representatives from Belgium, France and the Netherlands. Chairs of religious sociology were founded at Louvain University, with E. Collard teaching it in French and N. de Voider in Flemish. The Center for Socio-Religious Studies was founded in 1956, with F. Houtart of Louvain University as its director. Its greatest achievement, so far, is the ANNUAIRE CATHOLIQUE DU MONDE CHRETIEN (Catholic Yearbook of the Christian World) to be published shortly by Casterman (Tournai/Paris), with English and Spanish versions to follow. The Center's program includes both pure and applied religious sociology, with the following sections: (1) planning; (2) recruitment of clergy; (3) Urban environment; (4) Rural environment; (5) structures and equipment; (6) religious mentality; and (7) documentary and statistical studies. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Wüst,I. Th. J.




