
De hypothetisch-deductieve methode in de Amerikaanse sociale psychologie


  • Leent,J. A. A. van


Social psychology, Hypothetical-deductive method, United States


A study of the use of the hyp'al-deductive method in US social psychology. A brief outline of the method is given, with references to I. M. Bochenski, G. Bergman, R. K. Merton, H. Zetterberg, C. L. Hull and M. Argyle. The method is characterized as a constant intertwining of empirical and theoretical components. The attempt to transform tendency-statements into complete and exact generalizations carries the research in several directions, 3 of which are studied (limitation, specification, and explanation). An example of theory construction, M. Deutsch's theory of cooperation and competition, is given and analyzed as a fragment of a nomological network. A few problems which follow from the application of the method are commented on. Some negative aspects of operational definitions are mentioned and a difficulty connected with tendency statements is discussed. The reliability of systematic observation and the validity of tests are looked at from the theoretical point of view. A 75-item Bibliog. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Leent,J. A. A. van




