
Verslag van het congres der Sociale Interacademiale, gehouden van 5 tot 8 maart 1958


  • Boo,A. M. de


Democracy, Dutch, Pressure groups, Pressure groups as an element of democracy, Dutch congress of students of social sciences


A report on the 7th Congress of the Assoc. of Dutch Students of Social Sciences, held in Amsterdam in March 1958. The theme was: 'Pressure Groups as an Element of Democracy.' J. J. de Jong (Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) tried to define the pressure group as an interest group in a 3-fold framework: apolitical, political and governmental groups. Pressure groups are polical organizations which try to exercise political influence, a legitimate endeavor in view of the recent increase in governmental power. M. Brouwer described the action of pressure groups in a framework of interrelations of governmental, political parties, interest groups, media and the public. J. A. A. van Doorn (Sociologische Gids) described modern pressure groups as an addition to old-style pressure groups like bureaucracy and the army. J. Pen explained the role of pressure groups in influencing the budget through parliamentary action. I. Langnas.

Biografie auteur

Boo,A. M. de




